Living with Anorexia Nervosa (AN)
Anorexia Treatment and Therapy in Toronto
What is Anorexia?
Anorexia is an eating disorder characterized by an intense fear of weight gain and often times a distorted body image. Individuals with anorexia tend to have a significantly low body weight, however, this is not always the case. This fear of weight gain pushes individuals to use unhealthy and extreme strategies to decrease or avoid gaining weight. Often times they do not understand the seriousness of their condition, and as they continue to loss weight, their fear of gaining weight increases. Fortunately, there are many effective virtual and in-person treatments and therapies in Toronto that can help children manage the challenges faced with anorexia.
There are 2 types of anorexia:
Restricting type:
Does not binge eat
Chronic restriction of food and calories
Rigid thinking patterns that are often OCD in nature
Obsessively controlled by diet and their appearance
Binge eating purging type:
Frequent episodes of binge eating and purging
Purging is in response to the guilt of binge eating and reduces the fear of gaining weight
Alternative between rigidity and impulsive behaviours
What are Common Symptoms of Anorexia?
Children with anorexia may show the following symptoms:
Chronic restrictive eating
Frequent episodes of binge eating (i.e. eating large amounts of food in a certain amount of time)
Binging episodes can result in the individual feeling overly full to the point of painful stomach aches, drowsiness, or guilt
Purging (i.e. laxatives, throwing up)
Extreme and rapid weight loss or being significantly underweight
Obsessions with counting calories and contents of food
Distorted body image and beliefs of being fat, even if underweight
Excessive exercising
Dermatological problems (i.e. excess body hair, dry skin, hair loss, yellowish skin tone)
Absence of periods in girls (amenorrhea)
Engage in ritualistic eating habits (i.e. hiding food)
Depression or lethargic
Abdominal pain
Cold intolerance
Muscle weakness
Discoloration of teeth from throwing up
Difficulties concentrating, social isolation
How to Support Children with Anorexia?
For instructions:
Have frequent check-ins to ensure the child’s understanding of the material
Prearrange a space where the child can go if they do not want to eat in front of others
For social skills:
Use role-play and modelling to teach positive body language and active listening skills
For emotional regulation:
Help the child identify their triggers and provide healthy coping strategies as a distraction (i.e. crossword puzzles, calming music)
Anorexia Support for Families
For individuals and families in Toronto struggling with anorexia, there are a variety of in-person and virtual treatments that may be beneficial, including:
Anorexia or eating disorder programs and groups for kids
Individual or family therapy
Cognitive behavioural therapy
Dialectical behavioural therapy
Social skills training
Emotional regulation training
Anorexia or eating disorder parent training