Signs of Human Trafficking and Exploitation

Human Trafficking Treatment and Therapy in Toronto

What is Human Trafficking?

Human trafficking is considered to be modern day slavery. It is the exploitation of humans through the use of force, fraud or coercion for financial or personal gains. There are many forms of trafficking which can include:

  • Sex trafficking

  • Domestic slavery

  • Factory and farm slavery

  • Child soldier slavery

Fortunately, there are many effective virtual and in-person treatments and therapies in Toronto that can help survivors manage the impacts of human trafficking.

What are Common Signs of Human Trafficking?

Individuals who are survivors of human trafficking may show the following physical and/or behavioural signs:

Physical Signs

  • Unexplained bruises or injuries

  • Sleeps a lot during the day and is awake/out at night

  • Appears malnourished; change in eating patterns or behaviours

  • Sexually transmitted infections

  • Tattoos such as names, date of birth, or symbols which could be signs of branding by the trafficker

  • Poor physical or dental health

Behavioural Signs

  • Becomes isolated from their family and friends

  • Change in mood (i.e. angry, hostile, aggressive, anxious, depressed)

  • Substance use/addiction

  • Uses cell phone often or has more than one phone without an explanation

  • Disappears for long periods of time or skips school

  • Suddenly has expensive items (i.e. clothes, jewellery, cell phone)

  • Does not see themselves as a victim but believes they are in a romantic relationship

  • Withdrawn; does not make eye contact or talk

  • Appears frightened of the authorities or the individual they are with

  • Reacts in a way that seems rehearsed

  • Work excessively long hours

  • Lacks official identification documents

How to Support Children who are Human Trafficked?

  • For social skills:

    • Use role-play and videos to teach the child how to start and maintain a conversation, and how to join a group

    • Use role-play and small group activities to teach and practice assertive communication skills

  • For emotional regulation:

    • Teach the child grounding techniques that they can use to bring their thoughts back to the present (i.e. holding a rock and discussing its properties)

    • Provide the child with a list of positive affirmations they can say every morning (i.e. I am strong, I am in charge of myself)

Human Trafficking Support for Families

For individuals and families in Toronto struggling with the impacts of human trafficking, there are a variety of in-person and online treatments that may be beneficial, including

  • Individual and family therapy

  • Trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy

  • Exposure therapy

  • Cognitive therapy

  • Art therapy

  • Social skills training

  • Emotional regulation training


Signs of Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)