Dealing with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
ODD Treatment and Therapy in Toronto
What is ODD?
ODD is a behavioural disorder that is characterized by repetitive patterns of defiant, hostile, and disobedient behaviours towards adults and authority figures. Patience and consistency are important in effectively supporting these individuals; often times they are just looking to connect with someone. Fortunately, there are many effective virtual and in-person treatments and therapies in Toronto that can help children manage their behavioural symptoms.
What are Common ODD symptoms?
Children with ODD may show the following symptoms and/or face these challenges:
Easily lose their temper, have repeated temper tantrums
Argue or fight excessively with adults
Difficulty following rules/instructions; question rules
Deliberately act in ways that could annoy others
Blame others for their behaviour and/or mistakes
Hostility towards others
Difficulty compromising
Deliberately cause conflict within relationships – may have difficulty developing and maintaining relationships
Repeated disobedience
Easily and/or frequently frustrated
Act/speak impulsively
Difficulty concentrating
Low self-esteem and negative self-talk
How to Support Children with ODD?
For behaviours:
Provide the child with choices whenever possible – this allows them to maintain a sense of control
Create nonverbal signals to remind the child of positive behaviour when they engage in problem behaviour
If the child engages in problem behaviour, use “if/then” statements to prompt appropriate behaviour
For social skills:
Use role-play/videos/stories to teach problem-solving skills and perspective-taking
Provide child with a list of phrases they can use to be assertive and/or ask for help without physical/verbal aggression
For emotional regulation:
Teach the child self-regulation strategies for when they are feeling frustrated (i.e. deep breathing, drawing out their feelings) and create a list of these strategies that they can keep with them
ODD Support for Families
For individuals and families in Toronto struggling with ODD, there are a variety of in-person and virtual treatments that may be beneficial, including:
Individual and family therapy
Social skills training
Emotional regulation training
Play therapy
Cognitive behavioural training
Parent training in behavioural management for kids with ODD