Building Social Skills and Help with Peer Issues

Poor Social Skills and Peer Issues Treatment and Therapy in Toronto

What are Social Skills?

Social skills are necessary for interacting and connecting with others. They allow for effective communication and include verbal and nonverbal communication (i.e. facial expressions, body language, gestures). While some individuals prefer little social interactions, others struggle with social skills which can greatly impact their ability to form friendships. Fortunately, there are many effective virtual and in-person treatments and therapies in Toronto that can help children develop their social skills.

What are Common Signs of Poor Social Skills?

Children with poor social skills may show the following signs:

  • Difficulty understanding sarcasm

  • Difficulty understanding facial expressions and body language

  • Difficulty listening

  • Difficulty waiting for their turn to speak

  • Excessive talking

  • Say inappropriate things

  • Little interest in social interactions, few friends

  • Difficulty following unspoken social rules

  • Difficulty adapting to change and transitioning

  • Difficulty problem-solving

  • Easily angry, frustrated

  • Social anxiety

  • “Black and white” thinking (i.e. only one way to do things)

  • Appears emotionally disconnected from others

How to Support Children with Poor Social Skills?

  • Use role-playing to practice problem-solving, communication skills, and turn-taking

  • Use pictures and modelling to teach active listening, and provide verbal or nonverbal prompts when necessary

  • Use stories/videos/pictures to teach the child how to read facial expressions and identify emotions

  • Use role-modeling and videos to teach the child perspective-taking and empathy

  • Give directions one at a time, and phrase them as requests  

Social Skills Support for Families

For individuals and families in Toronto struggling with poor social skills and peer issues, there are a variety of in-person and virtual treatments that may be beneficial, including:

  • Programs and groups for kids for behaviour and self-regulation

  • Social skills training

  • Emotional regulation training

  • Cognitive behavioural therapy

  • Parent training for behavioural management for kids


Improving Low Self-Confidence


Developing Emotional and Self-Regulation Skills